SNO ISDeform General Assembly

SNO ISDeform General Assembly at MDIS, from 12/10 at 2pm to 13/10 at 2pm

Open to  :

- who wish to be involved in SNO activities

- who are part of the SNO scientific council

- who wish to interact on future SNO products, new target site selection, and interested in the use and validation of products and services

- who wish to propose new treatment methods


Preliminary schedule:

Wednesday 12/10:

- 2pm-4pm: presentations of SNO's actions

- 4pm-6pm: workshops, discussions in sub-groups

Dinner and walk

Thursday 13/10:

- 8am-10am: interactive presentation of services and products, discussion

-10am-12pm: scientific presentations (new methods, biases, validation, applications, etc...)

Lunch on site

2pm: departure


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