Pratical details

The conference will take place in the vacation village of Tarbesou: Plateau de Bonascre, 09110 Ax-les-Thermes


Accommodation and meals

From Monday, October 10 to Wednesday, October 12 at 2:00 pm, accommodation and meals at Tarbesou will be provided by the organizing committee. Accommodation assignments (single or double room) will be communicated to you by email.

Transportation : PLEASE RECALL THERE WILL BE NO BUS FROM TOULOUSE, ONLY FROM AX. Please visit for more info


By road:

RN 20 to Ax-les-Thermes then in the direction of Bonascre. The vacation village is 2 hours by car from Toulouse. The vacation village has large parking lots. Please note that you must arrive before 11:30 am to check in at the hotel. Lunch is at noon and the first session of the conference will start at 1:30-2:00 pm.

By train:

Go to Ax-les-Thermes train station, then by bus or cab because Tarbesou is located 7 km from the train station. Nevertheless, depending on the participants who choose this option, shuttles can be provided to make the round trip between the Ax-les-Thermes train station and Tarbesou. Please note: there is only one possibile departure and return to Toulouse: on Monday departure from Toulouse at 7:47 am for an arrival in Ax-les-Thermes at 9:40 am so to take the bus/shuttle; on Wednesday or Thursday departure from Ax-les-Thermes at 2:16 pm, so bus/taxi/shuttle from Tabersou beforehand so as not to miss the train in Ax-les-Thermes.

Also consider the night train which is direct from Paris to Ax les thermes, arriving at 8h14, just in time for a coffee and abreakfast and then the shuttle would bring you to the workshop center at 9h40. Sleepers are between 30 and 50e if booked in advanced. A direct return can also bring you back to Paris.





Guidelines for oral presentations and posters

As some of the speakers are not French-speaking, please prepare presentations and posters in English.

Invited oral presentations are 20 minutes (including questions); other oral presentations are 12 minutes (including questions, but note that questions/discussions can continue during the lengthy break between sessions).

Poster presenters have 2-3 minutes (1-2 slides) to present their posters orally in sessions preceding the poster sessions. The size of the grids for hanging posters is 1.2 m wide by 2 m high. We recommend A0 size posters in portrait mode (84.1 cm wide by 118.9 cm high). We will provide the appropriate fasteners for the grids.




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